The 4R Certification standards were created by the 4R Ontario Steering Committee in close collaboration with the Nutrient Stewardship Council, the Ohio Agri-Business Association and The Fertilizer Institute in the U.S. to ensure alignment between cross-border efforts to implement 4R Nutrient Stewardship and minimize nutrient losses under the 4R Certification Program. The standards are reflective of the best available science, technology and regulatory requirements for Ontario conditions.
Members of the 4R Ontario Steering Committee represent a diversity of stakeholders including Fertilizer Canada; the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA); the Ontario Agri Business Association (OABA); the Grain Farmers of Ontario; the Ontario Federation of Agriculture; the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario; Conservation Ontario; The Nature Conservancy – Ohio; the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change; the International Plant Nutrition Institute; the Ontario Certified Crop Advisor Board; and Ontario agri-retailers.
4R Nutrient Stewardship is being implemented across Ontario through a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC), formalized in 2015 alongside the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; Fertilizer Canada; and the Ontario Agri Business Association (OABA). The three MOC signatories collaborated with the previously mentioned partners to form the 4R Ontario Steering Committee. The Ontario 4R Certification program, modelled after the program being adopted by agri-retailers in Ohio, encourages agri-retailers, nutrient service providers and certified professionals to adopt science-based, proven 4R Nutrient Stewardship Best Management Practices (BMPs).
4R Nutrient Stewardship BMPs must be customized to fit each farm’s unique climatic, soil, cropping and operational conditions. Continuous improvement can be achieved by employing science that optimizes the economic, social and environmental performance of BMPs utilized in implementing the voluntary 4R Nutrient Stewardship program in Ontario. These standards, and the corresponding evidence to meet those standards, will be audited by a private, third-party to provide a consistent, recognized program for Ontario agri-retailers.