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What's Your Plan?

Corn field

Article by Andre Coutinho
Crop Sales Specialist
AGRIS Co-operative - BRIGDEN

The price of wheat price isn’t the same as it was the last two years, and the same goes for corn and soybeans. Planting dates have changed numerous times due to Mother Nature’s will, affecting every field operation in 2024. It’s been a tough year so far. After such a challenging first semester, my question is: What is your plan for the challenges your farm business will face? And how will you take advantage of the “good times”?

One of the most important inputs to your operation is the crop plan. Every time you sit with your crop specialist and go over all the strategies and alternatives for each one of your fields, you are putting yourself in a stronger position to face any situation. You are strengthen your chances of success and becoming a better farmer. But what should be in your crop plan? What inputs you will need? Here are some points to consider:

Operation Analysis

Yield data, cost analysis, and profitability of each field. Information at this point is crucial. AGRIS provides its growers access to the most advanced technology to support you. And it is evolving every day. Our platforms like Sky Mapping and My Solution Centre are examples of it.


Yield goals, profit, weed control, etc. With the support of your crop specialist, you can assess how much you can increase yield, where to find savings and what is a good opportunity to invest in technology.


Which variety to plant and where? With all the alternatives you have available today, you can fit the variety to the particularities of each field. The same applies to fertilizer programs, diseases, and others.

Fertility Plan 

What does your soil need to achieve your goals? Do you have a solid soil test that will enable you to maximize your investment? A good fertility plan starts with a soil test, which is an investment! Just like you buy a new planter to get a better stand and consequently, a better yield, investing in understanding your soil will put fertilizer in the right place and at the right rate. Update your soil testing strategy. Those $300-400 that you invest in moving from perimeter and composite to a 5-acre grid sampling will return in savings (better fertilizer management) and yield. The same applies when you move to a 2.5 acre-grid. It is like acquiring more detailed and precise information to get the best from your excellent plant stand.

Weed Control Program

Burndown, pre-emergence, in-crop, pre-harvest. According to your goals, and field characteristics you can adopt a different program. If needed, move away from a one-size-fits-all single solution for all your fields.

Disease and Pest Control Program 

Will you need a fungicide application? What is the benefit? What to expect? If needed, which insecticide should you use? Scouting Program: How many times will we scout the field? What to look for? This part of the plan will help make decisions along the way and avoid unexpected risks.

Cost Analysis

Understand the total cost of the operation and what different routes you can take if you need to change your plan during the season. At this point, you will be able to understand the different levels of profitability according to grain prices and start discussing a marketing plan with your grain representative.

At AGRIS we are focused on offering our farmers the best opportunities to increase profitability. We are proud to say our growers can count on us at every step of the farming season. You can reach out to your crop sales specialist at any time to discuss your plans, we are here for you! And remember, a new plan always starts right after a field harvest is done! 


Disclaimer: Some of the articles are generated by Growmark USA and may contain products and product recommendations not registered or available in Canada. 

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