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Five Keys to Successful Fall Winter Wheat Establishment

Map - optimum planting date

Article by Matt Laevens
Crop Sales Specialist
AGRIS Co-operative - Tupperville/Thamesville North

Are you ready to maximize your winter wheat establishment? Discover five essential keys to ensure successful planting, from selecting the right seed variety to effective weed control. Get expert insights that can help you achieve higher yields and better crop health this season.

  1. Seed/Variety/Treatment Selection
    Choosing the right wheat seed variety is just as crucial as it is for corn and soybeans. Reliable high-yielding varieties like Blaze and Cruze offer strong plant health characteristics. If you're aiming for high straw yields, consider Swoop; however, it’s recommended to use a Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) to ensure it stands well on productive ground. Looking ahead, Fuze, a new variety for 2025, will have limited seed availability but shows promise with high yields and excellent plant health characteristics.
  2. Fall Fertility
    Maximizing winter wheat yields depends heavily on soil fertility, and wheat is particularly responsive to fall-applied phosphorus. If you don’t have a recent soil test, applying at least the crop removal rate is recommended to maintain fertility levels.
  3. Planting Date
    For most areas in Chatham-Kent, the optimal planting window is between October 5th and 15th. When planting during this period, aim for a seeding rate of 1.6 million seeds per acre. Keep in mind that seed size can vary between varieties, so if you're planting bin-run wheat, it's best to perform a seed count to determine seeds per pound. For planting past the optimal window, increase the seeding rate by 150,000 to 200,000 seeds per acre for each week of delay. Timely planting encourages more fall tillers and improves winter hardiness.
  4. Planting Depth
    Winter wheat planting depth can vary depending on field conditions, but aim for a minimum seeding depth of 1.25 inches. It's essential to seed into moisture for consistent emergence. In heavier soils, if moisture isn’t found deeper than 2.5 to 3 inches, it may be best to seed at the shallow depth of 1.25 inches and wait for rain to ensure successful emergence.
  5. Fall Weed Control
    Research highlights that the critical weed-free period for winter wheat is in the fall. This is the best time to control tough perennial weeds such as dandelion and glyphosate tolerant Canada Fleabane. Depending on your situation, consider a pre-emergence application of Glyphosate and Eragon, or a post-emergence application of Infinity FX. One added benefit of effective fall weed control is the potential to skip a spring herbicide application, which can lead to better crop safety during the T1 timing for wheat and any under-seeded clover cover crops.

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