Digital Corner
by Dale Cowan
In a connected world we are beginning to see the value in capturing, analyzing and linking different data sources together. The trick is to do it seamlessly and effortlessly so it does not become yet another chore but rather an extension of our everyday routines. AGRIS as been on the leading edge of this kind of technology working with Growmark and Software Solutions Integrated, we have invested in a system that does integrate business activities together into one platform. As with any technology there is a learning curve and many updates to master. Training is a continuum, working with farmer data and our own. I often tell staff it is not race and there is no finish line. Collecting data and using technology is always changing and there is no end point. There are aways improvements and insights to be mastered.
One of the requirements to operate in any connected environment is to follow a data base structure of Customers, Farms , Fields and Boundaries. In our system we do everything by the fields. Once we have a GPS derived field boundary all things start to connect. We can do crop plans ahead of time by farm, field, crop and product. Site Specific Soil sampling is done by the field, recommendations by the field, dispatch our applicators with turn by turn direction to the field. Invoicing is tied to the fields. Yield data is shared and we can analyze crop performance, do normalized yield for management zones and create profit maps to look for greater financial returns by field.
Our internal analysis can be used to understand operations and look for efficiencies. Having real time measurements of acres per hour for an applicator, tracking a reduction in down time waiting for a delivery trucks. Having a trading area wide view of weather such as rainfall. All helps to understand the situation at all times. The weather map below shows the range in rainfall for the past week. We can already predict where we will be in the fields first based on accumulated rainfall. We can be proactive in servicing our customers. Instead of just talking about the rainfall we can already begin to plan the next area of activity and move assets to where they can be utilized effectively.
We are just at the beginning of using collected data effectively both on farm and in our businesses. A great deal of your farm data is available on your myFS account. This is your on- line portal to view invoices, statements, bookings, prepays, field maps, as applied maps, soil test data and yield maps. If you are not yet signed up reach out to your local Crop Sales Specialists, location or website to get signed up. Start your data journey with AGRIS, everything in one location.
Trying Something New
by Graham McLean
As we near fall a common question I hear is how would we get a cover crop established in standing corn or harvested corn before winter sets in.
With the new drones today and a carrying capacity of 100 lbs. this may be a viable opportunity to get some Rye or other cover crops seeded in September when the weather is desirable. The larger capacity allows more product to be carried and less costly to perform the task. The lighter ground such as the knolls would be a perfect place to start. Lower seeding rates would work the best but if strategically placed higher rates will work as well.
You have the ability of applying fertilizer at times when ground conditions will not equipment. Another opportunity is to apply on some of the sharp sloped ground in pastures that would not otherwise see fertilizer applied. We had the opportunity to spread on a sloped hill that would allow more grazing capacity for the summer. With the extra vegetative growth, this allows for re-establishing a stronger more aggressive root system to maintain and strengthen the soil structure of the side hills and more livestock carrying capacity on this marginal ground.
Weather will hinder some applications at times but we are able to eliminate the ground conditions at the time of application.
Everyone knows where there is a piece of pasture ground that you can’t get a spreader onto. Let’s push the boundaries and try something new, lets see What’s Next.
The Great Lakes Grain Crop Assessment Tour is Now
Great Lakes Grain Crop Assessment Tour runs from August 28th - September 8th 2023. Great Lakes Grain staff and partners from AGRIS Co-operative, FS PARTNERS and Coop Embrun will scout corn and soybean fields with farmers who sign up for the tour.
The team has been conducting yield estimates, gauging crop progress and evaluating the overall health of Ontario corn and soybean crops. By assessing these crops, the team can work with producers to understand if they have further opportunities to market their grain.
The benefit of the crop tour is to have a better understanding of overall corn and soybean crop health and yield for farmer participants, exporters and end-users. This assists all parties to make agronomic, economic and handling decisions for the 2023-2024 crop. County yield results will be released at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show at Woodstock, ON, on September 12, 2023.
Check out some of our favourite photos from the Crop Tour so far! Use the hashtag #GLGTour2023 to share your Crop Tour photos and videos.
It's not too late to register for the Crop Tour, sign your fields up HERE.