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Soybean herbicide trait options

Soybean herbicide trait options

Soybean herbicide tolerance traits have been part of the Ontario soybean growing landscape for many years. With more glyphosate tolerant weeds emerging, there is a need for more herbicide traits to control these weeds and the use of different chemistry, including conventional soybean herbicides to slow selection pressure on weed populations for developing new tolerances.

The market place has been fairly straightforward with herbicide traits and growers have done a good job of managing them.

Newer herbicide trait packages have gone to a triple stack and this can add confusion to soybean herbicide tolerance when spraying. Growing multiple traits from multiple seed companies will add to the confusion. Below is a chart demonstrating the soybean trait and which herbicides each trait is tolerant to.

mathew one.png

As always, your Wanstead Farmer’s Co-operative and AGRISCo-operative crop sales specialists are available to help choose the rightproduct for the right acre and help management resistance development.

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